Thursday, September 4, 2014

You Time

Don't forget to take time to do the things you love. When you work and go to school and run around trying to beat the clock everyday, more like every hour, take a moment to do at least one thing for yourself. 

Some suggestions:

Make a smoothie
Work out
Have an at home dance party to your favorite song
Eat a cookie (or a dozen??)
Watch your favorite movie (or tv show or youtube channel)
Drink some tea and just relax

I found this pic on pinterest and I love it!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Quick Tip

For all you nervous drivers: 

Hang a rosary from your rearview mirror and kiss it while driving to your destination, yes the whole time- it should never leave your lip or grip. 

Just a little something I picked up from an Italian. Hope it helps!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Midnight Munching

I don't know about you but I sure do love muffins! 

I had some over-ripe bananas in my kitchen and too many oats in my pantry so I decided to mix up a few recipes and make my own creation. Normally I make some three chocolate banana bread but I've been craving oats and looking for ways to incorporate chia seeds into my diet. This was a great experiment and I tweaked it a few times before coming to this final recipe. Hope you enjoy it!

What you need:

1 1/2 cups flour
3/4 cup oats
1 tsp baking soda
1tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
3 tbs chia seeds
3 tbs melted butter
1 egg
5/8 cup brown sugar
2 overripe bananas
splash of vanilla

Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl. (Whoops not the brown sugar)

Mix all the wet ingredients in another bowl WITH the brown sugar.

 Fold the dry ingredients into the wet.

Keep the cat away from your edibles :)

 Spoon into a buttered muffin pan or a few ramekins for some cute monster muffins!

 Bake in the oven at 350 F for around 30 min or until golden brown.

 When you take them out they should look delicious and smell even better.

  I say serve warm with some butter or clotted cream for breakfast, snack time or midnight munching.

I don't know why but I get some serious baking urges in the middle of the night. Not really necessary for me to eat everything but one good bite is so worth it and then I have a yummy breakfast ready in the morning.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Time and Nature

I have noticed lately that time is seriously speeding along in my life, even while I'm traveling across Texas. I have taken three trips across this lovely state in two weeks. It is exhausting and fun because I get to see everyone I love and check out what they've been doing lately. For whatever reason these last couple of weeks have made me notice that I haven't done a very good job at keeping up with my photography. There were so many moments where I wanted to take a picture and didn't have my camera with me. I did use my phone but it just doesn't feel as satisfying for me to whip out my phone and take a shot. This is probably because I grew up take pictures with a film camera but anyways... 

Nurturing my plants have been a focus for me lately and I think they are so beautiful. Having some cute little (or big) plants in a home really make the place feel alive. Not to mention plants cycle oxygen back into the air which is good for you. I decided to take a few pictures around my apartment with a little nature as the focus. This picture is so cool to me, I'm not sure what I was thinking when I put it together, kinda thought it would look funny and I could laugh at it later. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Finally got to see my plants in some daylight and I got to say they are pretty cute! I still have a few pots I could fill but I'm thinking of planting some seeds in those and seeing how that might turn out. 

It kinda looks like my cat threw up these little succulents lol

It was really quite beautiful today and I hope that the weather stays lovely through the weekend so I can enjoy it pool side.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Spring Time at My Apartment

Today I finished potting some plants, my apartment is finally looking springy! I got four succulents for inside and a few colorful plants for my porch. Must say that I have a favorite today and it just perfectly fits into a square box I was able to reuse from a past purchase.

I love finding new ways to use something. I'll post pictures of my other plants tomorrow when I can take some pictures in daylight.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Getting Up and Staying Up

One of the hardest things for me to do is wake up and get out of bed and (here it is, the hardest part) STAYING OUT OF BED. However when those miraculous days of me staying out my bed happen they make me so happy. I really enjoy being able to take my time in the morning and having breakfast or a smoothie. Fitting in a workout in the morning is one of my main goals right now. I used to do it all the time, whether it was just a run or yoga or whatever, it made the rest of my day just a bit more brighter, happier and I'm more active during the day. 

Part one of reaching my morning workout goal happened today. I woke up earlier than I normally do and I stayed out of bed! Instead of working out I made breakfast and read the news and slowly got ready for work and the rest of my day. I figured this would be a decent stepping stone for this goal because I really, really, really am not a morning person but I intend on changing that! 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Lately I've been inspired to really embrace what I have and go after what I want for my future. I am just over-joyed about starting new things and working towards my goals. So this blog will be about progressing through life whether it be the things that are planned or the random moments that happen. 

With that said here are some inspirational quotes that I just love.