Thursday, May 8, 2014

Time and Nature

I have noticed lately that time is seriously speeding along in my life, even while I'm traveling across Texas. I have taken three trips across this lovely state in two weeks. It is exhausting and fun because I get to see everyone I love and check out what they've been doing lately. For whatever reason these last couple of weeks have made me notice that I haven't done a very good job at keeping up with my photography. There were so many moments where I wanted to take a picture and didn't have my camera with me. I did use my phone but it just doesn't feel as satisfying for me to whip out my phone and take a shot. This is probably because I grew up take pictures with a film camera but anyways... 

Nurturing my plants have been a focus for me lately and I think they are so beautiful. Having some cute little (or big) plants in a home really make the place feel alive. Not to mention plants cycle oxygen back into the air which is good for you. I decided to take a few pictures around my apartment with a little nature as the focus. This picture is so cool to me, I'm not sure what I was thinking when I put it together, kinda thought it would look funny and I could laugh at it later.